What Is E-Waste?

What Is E-Waste?

E-Waste or Electronic Waste refers to any electronic device that has been discarded because it is obsolete, broken, or no longer useful. E-Waste often contains traces of hazardous material that prevents them from being disposed of by normal means. Proper precautions must be taken in order to process these products. Disposal of hazardous materials derived from the E-Waste must be removed from electronic devices. Some parts of the E-Waste can be reused, while others are recycled.

Not sure what is E-Waste? Here are some examples:

Computers Laptop Peripherals
Telephones and Cell Phones Printers
Flat Screen Televisions Ink Cartridges
CRT Televisions Photocopiers
Video Game Consoles Toner Cartridges
Audio/Video Receivers Data Storage Devices
Blue-Ray/DVD/VCR Players Shredders
Tablets Network Hardware
E-Readers Office Fax Machines
MP3 Players Office Scanners
PDA’s Office Shredders
Computer Monitors Video Conferencing Equipment
Computer Peripherals Server and Data Storage Devices
Computer UPS Batteries Mainframes
Digital Cameras Medical Equipment

We also accept universal waste, like wires, fluorescent light bulbs and more.

You most likely have E-Waste sitting around in your garage or basement. Dispose of your E-Waste responsibly.